Monsieur, J’ay receu par Madame la Comtesse de Bintink, digne d’être connuë de vous et d’être vôtre amie, la Lettre dont vous m’avez honoré en date du 11e 22e Avril.
Incipit Modernised:
Monsieur, J’ai reçu par Madame la Comtesse de Bentinck, digne d’être connuë de vous et d’être vôtre amie, la lettre dont vous m’avez honoré en date du 11e/22e avril.
The paper is watermarked with a shield bearing a post horn. Beneath the shield is the name ‘Van der Ley’.
Bound with other letters in green morocco.
Additional Comments:
The MS has been folded into four (since unfolded). The iron gall ink used to write the letter is beginning to cause some corrosion to the paper. Ink from the facing page in the bound volume has transferred onto f.79r. There is water damage to l.7-8 of f.80v and a small red stain in the lower right-hand corner of the same likely caused by a wafer seal.
The MS has been endorsed as ‘#.35’ in the upper left-hand corner of f.79r. In the same place, Voltaire has added a note reading ‘duplicata’. The title of the work mentioned on l.2-3 of f.80v has been underlined.