J’ai balancé longtemps, mon cher philosophe, si je vous écrirais touchant, Mr Delaharpe, et je crois enfin qu’il faut que je vous écrive parce que vous l’aimez, et que je l’aime.
Incipit Modernised:
J’ai balancé longtemps, mon cher philosophe, si je vous écrirais touchant, mr De La Harpe, et je crois enfin qu’il faut que je vous écrive parce que vous l’aimez, et que je l’aime.
The paper is watermarked with the names ‘J Honig & Zoonen’.
Additional Comments:
The MS was folded into four (since unfolded). There are numerous small holes along these fold lines. The paper has also been folded to create a left-hand margin on both the recto and verso sides. The iron gall ink used to write the letter has caused some corrosion. There are smudges of ink across the centre of f.2v, and a minor ink splatter across l.19-20 of f.1r. Some of the ink from f.1v has transferred onto f.2r.
There is a minor correction to l.12 of f.1r in the form of a crossing out. L.17-19 of f.1r have been underlined. A later hand has added the number ’32’ to the upper left-hand corner of f.1r.