Partially autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Nicolas-Claude Thiériot, written in the hand of Collini from Montriond and dated 2 January 1756 [D6671]
Partially autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Nicolas-Claude Thiériot, written in the hand of Collini from Montriond and dated 2 January 1756 [D6671]
Voltaire has added the subscription in his own hand and signed the letter at the bottom of p.123. A missing word has been added superscript on l.13 of p.123. A third hand has endorsed the MS as ‘No.64’ in the upper left-hand corner of p.123, and has added square brackets around the final section of the letter. The same hand has also added a bibliographical reference to the bottom of p.123, and a footnote at the bottom of the same adding additional context to a matter referenced in the letter. The note is linked to the main text through the use of a corresponding symbol.