Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, written from Paris and dating to March 1742 [D2598]
Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, written from Paris and dating to March 1742 [D2598]
mon cher amy je mene une vie desordonnée, soupant quand je devrois me coucher
Incipit Modernised:
Mon cher ami, je mène une vie désordonnée, soupant quand je devrois me coucher
In Voltaire’s Hand:
Brief Summary:
Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, written from Paris and dating to March 1742.
A fourth hand has endorsed the MS as ‘No.38’ in the upper left-hand corner of p.83. The same hand has also added a bibliographical reference to the bottom of p.83.