Mon cher ami [deletion] Pour vois rafraichir pourriez vous porter ce paquet à M. l’ambassadeur de Hollande.Mon cher amy pour vous rafraîchir pouriez vous portercepaquet à mr l’ambassadeur de Hollande?
Incipit Modernised:
Mon cher ami pour vous rafraîchir pourriez vous porter ce paquet à mr l’ambassadeur de Hollande?
A second hand has endorsed the MS as ‘No.32*’ in the upper left-hand corner of p.73. The same hand has also added a bibliographical reference to the bottom of p.73. A third hand has added a provenance note attributing the copy to Decroix, and a footnote expanding on a matter referenced in the letter to the bottom of p.73. This note is linked to the main text through the use of a corresponding symbol. They have also added a note to the upper left-hand corner of p.73 explaining that the start of the letter had been copied in error. Much of the first four lines of p.73, the sections said to have been erroneously copied, have been crossed out. Select words and names have been underlined throughout. There are several minor corrections to the text in the form of crossings out, and crossings out with the addition of corrected text superscript.