Statement from the widow Burdet concerning the Decroze case, undated.
Detailed Summary:
The widow Burdet states that on the night of the seventh to the eighth of January 1761, she finds herself very unhappy because of the sins committed in her house. She asks God for forgiveness for all of her sins and promises to do penance if he deigns to preserve her life. She declares before God that the hatred of Curé Ancian comes from the fact that he wanted to sin with her for about two years. She claims that he reproached her for her aversion to him and that on 6 December, while drinking in her house, he told her that he no longer wanted to put the straw too close to the fire. She conludes by saying that this is the real case of his sin and commends herself to God.
The paper is watermarked with an elaborate and decorative ‘V’.
Additional Comments:
Materiality Keywords:
Voltaire has endorsed the MS in his own hand as ‘déclaration de la burdet’ on f.1r. There is a second endorsement on f.2v in Wagnière’s hand which reads: ‘dèclarations de plusieurs particuliers contre le Curé de Moëns’. There are three minor corrections on f.1r. The first on l.5 takes the form of corrected text being written over the top of incorrect text. The second on l.10 takes the form of corrected text being written over the top of scratched off text. The third on l.12 takes the form of a crossing out.