Letter Signed from Voltaire to Jeanne Louise de Rochefort d’Ally [née Pavée de Provenchères], written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 19 October 1770 [D16772]
F135.3 00088, ‘[Lettre à] madame la comtesse de Rochefort à Vandeuvre près de Paris, 19. o[cto]bre 1770 / V[oltaire]’
Letter Signed from Voltaire to Jeanne Louise de Rochefort d’Ally [née Pavée de Provenchères], written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 19 October 1770 [D16772]
Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Jeanne Louise de Rochefort d’Ally [née Pavée de Provenchères], written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 19 October 1770.
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire tells Jeanne Louise de Rochefort d’Ally not to have a hepatic colic, if she does not wish for Voltaire to travel to Burgundy in a frenzy to see one of the two people to whom he is equally attached. He confirms that he received a visit from Attorney General Séguier and d’Alembert on the same day, adding that if the two had met it would have been a much more pleasant scenario, though his meetings with each were charming. He goes on to note that the recipient has, like himself, been touched by the scissors of Abbé Terret, stating that they must both thank him for it. Voltaire speaks with regret of the disturbance Terret has brought to Ferney, noting that it had been progressing well, with foreigners populating the desert, houses being built, trade thriving and abundance beginning to vivify the region. He then says that one word has lost all of this and concludes by saying that the catastrophe poisons his final days, though he must not submit to this. He adds that he will send the recipient a little amusement in a few days time.
~With thanks to Rumi Kitahara for her assistance in identifying this manuscript.
The letter was sealed using the ‘Tuck, Fold, and Seal’ method. There are several small holes along the fold lines. The wax seal is partially extant on f.2v and has caused some damage to the same. Some of the ink from f.1v has transferred onto f.2r.