Recevez, Monsieur, mes très rendres remerciements de la bonté que vous avez eue de me faire connaître la belle Lettre que j’ai écrite au Roi de Prusse.
Letter signed from Voltaire to M. Genep, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 30 October 1769.
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire thanks the recipient for acquainting him with the letter he wrote to the King of Prussia, adding that it is two years since he wrote to him. Voltaire notes that because his [religious] devotion has not failed to make some noise in the world, the King may very well believe that the letter came from him and that as a good Christian he reproaches the King for his impiety. He adds that he has been advised by people in Geneva to disavow this writing in the public papers. Voltaire asks the recipient to permit him to send him a letter that he is writing on this subject to Mr Le Duc de Grafton so that he might see that there is less verbiage in his disavowal than in the writing imputed to him. He asks that the recipient has the letter properly sealed for Mr Le Duc de Grafton and adds that he is also enclosing a letter for an English gentleman and asks that he sends these packets by post. He concludes by stating that the English push the freedom of the press a little too far and that they always have too much of the things that he does not.