Je vous écris encor, Monsieur, pour vous répéter combien il est affreux pour moi d’être près de mourir, sans pouvoir paier mes ouvrier, tandis que la maison de Bouillon me doit plus de neuf années d’arrérages
Letter signed from Voltaire to Étienne Gaspard Perrault de Bruel, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 2 January 1775/
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire claims that he is writing to de Bruel again in order to repeat how awful it is for him to be close to dying and without a way to pay his workers, especially when the printing house at Bouillon owes him more than nine years of arrears. He asks that de Bruel gives him delegations or long-term bills of exchange, otherwise his ‘colony’ would be destroyed. He begs de Bruel to spare him the pain and inconvenience of leaving a lawsuit to his heirs.