C’est avec douleur, Monsieur, que je suis obligé de vous renvoier la Lettre de cet étrange homme, que surement n’avait point été arrêté par méprise, suposé qu’on l’eurt arrêté.
Incipit Modernised:
C’est avec douleur, Monsieur, que je suis obligé de vous renvoyer la lettre de cet étrange homme, que surement n’avait point été arrêté par méprise, supposé qu’on l’eurt arrêté.
Letter signed from Voltaire to Mr. Audibert, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 12 September 1776.
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire opens by saying that it is with pain that he is obliged to return to Audibert a letter from a strange man who surely had not been arrested by mistake. He then asks Audibert to write to him for information before Audibert gives his money and acknowledges that Audiebert must have been caught out more than once because he has a good character. Voltaire adds that he recently read a life of the four Paris brothers that was dedicated to Audibert, noting that this life was not complete but was filled with very real and very curious things. He adds that the ‘maddness’ of the Mississippi Company was reported faithfully in the work and wishes to who the man was that dedicated this work to Audibert. He signs off by describing himself as ‘the sick old man. V’
The pages feature multiple vertical, horizontal, and diagonal fold lines. The letter has been sealed with red wax. There is a small stain in the left-hand corner of p.1.
Materiality Keywords:
There is a postage mark on p.3 reading ‘OE LYON’. A note has been added in a hand other than Voltaire or Wagnière’s has added a note in the top left-hand corner reading: ‘vingt sept cote trente trois’. The note ‘N.30’ has also been added in this corner. Pencil notes have been added in an additional hand providing the date of the letter and summaries of the letter’s contents to the top of p.1. Further notes in this hand run in the left-hand margin of the same page, pointing at specific sections of the text with arrows and underlining a selection of words and phrases.