Letter signed from Voltaire to révérend pére de Menoux, supérieur de la mission royale à Nancy, written in the hand of Cosimo Alessandro Collini from Colmar and dated 12 April 1754 [inédit]
International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L, Lot 280, ‘Voltaire: (1694-1778) le grand philosophe et écrivain. L.S. Voltaire, Colmar 12/04/1754, au révérend père de Menoux, supérieur de la mission royale à Nancy’
Letter signed from Voltaire to révérend pére de Menoux, supérieur de la mission royale à Nancy, written in the hand of Cosimo Alessandro Collini from Colmar and dated 12 April 1754 [inédit]
Letter signed from Voltaire to révérend pére de Menoux, supérieur de la mission royale à Nancy, written from Colmar and dated 12 April 1754.
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire apologises to Joseph de Menoux for an unfortunate case of false letters in which both are involved because of a Jesuit that Voltaire had previosuly complained about to Father Menoux. He writes that not only Paris but the whole of Europe are inundated with the false letters and adds that the said Jesuit lacked the same discretion, widsom, and goodness as Father Menoux. Voltaire writes that he has received a large number of anonymous letters and mémoires about the affair and that he throws these into the fire without answering them. He notes then that he confines himself to ‘the care that my illnesses require, to solitude and to the work that is my consolation.’ He adds that Father Menoux’s conversation and friendship would do him more good than all the mineral waters in the world. Voltaire concludes by saying that he intends to bring Father Menoux a copy of Les annales de l’Empire but that he fears that the work is a little dry and far removed from the eloquence with which Father Menoux has written history.
The letter was sealed with red wax. The seal has caused some damage to the MS. The MS features multiple horizontal and vertical fold lines. There are some tears to these fold lines that have been repaired with tape. There are also a series of small holes along these fold lines. There is an area of staining to the right-hand side of f.1v.