Autograph draft of the ‘Chapter on the Arts’ from l’Essai sur les mœurs, titled ‘Minute du Chapitre des arts de l’Essai sur les mœurs’.
In this chapter, Voltaire explores a wide range of arts and sciences, including architecture, sculpture, poetry, theatre, astronomy, and geometry. He reflects on their origins in both Europe and Asia, focusing on regions such as Greece, Asia Minor, the Middle East, Persia, and Arabia. Voltaire also provides a thorough analysis of the Persian author Avicenna, as well as discussions on the Persian, Latin, and Italian languages.
The chapter highlights some of the most renowned authors, including Dante, Homer, Virgil, Petrarch, Ariosto, Shakespeare, Lope de Vega, and Boccaccio. Voltaire offers a close analysis of Dante’s Divine Comedy before going on to discuss the development of Italian and Spanish comedies from the 14th century. He then turns to the subject of tragedies, discussing prominent tragedians such as Torquato Tasso and Gian Giorgio Trissino, as well as pastoral comedies.
Reproductions: Photocopy, 27, ‘Le Chapitre des Arts’, p.274-275, p.297. Date: c.1756. Extent: 41 ff. Foliation: f.31-71. The incipit reads’ Depuis les inondations des barbares en Europe, on sait que les beaux-arts furent ensevelis sous les ruines de l’empire d’Occident.’ OCV manuscript description: 27, p.xxiii. OCV reference: 27, p.261-335.