J’ai lu, Monsieur, dans votre Gazette d’Avignon l’histoire de ma conversion opérée par la grace et par un Ex-Jésuite qui m’s, dit-on, confessé et trainé au pied des autels.
Incipit Modernised:
J’ai lu, Monsieur, dans votre Gazette d’Avignon l’histoire de ma conversion opérée par la grace et par un Ex-Jésuite qui m’s, dit-on, confessé et trainé au pied des autels.
A second hand has endorsed the MS as ‘No.81’ in the upper left-hand corner of p.215. The same hand has also added a bibliographical reference to the bottom of p.215, and a large letter ‘E’ has been addd to the upper left-hand corner of the same. Wagnière has additionally endorsed the MS as ‘à un gazetier d’auvignon’ at the top of p.215. The date line has been crossed out twice, as has the fourth word of l.14 on p.216. The seventh word of l.8 on p.217 has likewise been crossed out, and corrected text added superscript. The quote on l.3-4 has been underlined on p.215.