Nous venions, mon cher ange, d’envoier le mémoire cy joint, à mr De Montyon, et d’en faire une copie pour vous, selon nôtre usage, lorsque nous avons reçu vôtre aimable Lettre du 7e janvier.
Incipit Modernised:
Nous venions, mon cher ange, d’envoyer le mémoire ci joint, à mr De Montyon, et d’en faire une copie pour vous, selon nôtre usage, lorsque nous avons reçu vôtre aimable lettre du 7e janvier.
The MS is bound with other letters in the collection.
Additional Comments:
The MS was folded into four (since unfolded). The paper was also folded to create a left-hand margin on both the recto and verso sides. There is an ink blot over the date line on p.167.
Voltaire has added marginal notes throughout expanding on, or correcting, the text. These notes are linked to the text through the use of corresponding symbols. He has also added a superscript n.b. on p.168. Omitted text has been added superscript on l.11 on p.167. A third hand has endorsed the MS as ‘No.*66’ in the upper left-hand corner of p.167.