Le Roi de Prusse en parlant à Mr Mitchel, ministre d’Angleterre, de la belle entreprise de la flotte anglaise sur nos côtes, lui dit, Eh bien, que faites vous à présent?
Incipit Modernised:
Le Roi de Prusse en parlant à Mr Mitchel, ministre d’Angleterre, de la belle entreprise de la flotte anglaise sur nos côtes, lui dit, Eh bien, que faites vous à présent?
The MS is bound with other letters in the collection.
Additional Comments:
The MS has been folded into four (since unfolded). The upper right-hand corner of p.65 has been dog-eared and there are several small ink blots in the lower left-hand corner of the same page. There is a hole and a tear to the lower right-hand corner of p.67. This has been repaired with tape.
A second hand has endorsed the MS as ‘No.35’ in the upper left-hand corner of p.65. The same hand has also added a bibliographical reference to the bottom of p.65. Part of l.12-13 on p.65 has been underlined. A wavy-lined brace has been draw to the left-hand side of the text on p.68.