Secretarial copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jacques Emmanuel Roques de Maumont de La Rochefoucauld, written from Potsdam and dated 17 [November 1752] [D5077]
Secretarial copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jacques Emmanuel Roques de Maumont de La Rochefoucauld, written from Potsdam and dated 17 [November 1752] [D5077]
Secretarial copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jacques Emmanuel Roques de Maumont de La Rochefoucauld, written from Potsdam and dated 17 [November 1752]. Voltaire has made some autograph additions to the bottom of the letter on f.2r.
The paper is watermarked with a shield bearing a post horn. Beneath this is the name: ‘GR. J. Honig & Zoon’.
Additional Comments:
The MS features two horizontal and two vertical fold lines. There are a number of small holes along these fold lines, and some small remnants of red wax on f.2v. The lower right-hand corner of f.2 had been dog-eared.
Select words and phrases have been underlined throughout. Voltaire has added the following to the bottom of the letter on f.2r: ‘mon sieur avec lattachement sincere que vos procedez obligeants m’inspirent / votre tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur Voltaire / a potsdam au je suis toujours tres malade. je vous tres obligé du plaisir que vous voulez bien me procurer par votre feuille. nesce vas varenstrap qui L’imprime.’ An omitted phrase has been added superscript on l.12 on f.2r.