The MS is bound with other letters in the collection.
Additional Comments:
There is some tearing to the upper and lower right-hand corners of p.15. These tears have been repaired with additional paper. The upper and lower right-hand corners of p.17 have also been torn away but these have not been repaired. The tears were likely caused by a wax seal that is no longer extant. The letter was folded into three before sending. There is some ink transfer from the previous page on p.17.
A missing letter in the second word of l.2 on p.16 has been added superscript. There are two minor corrections to l.10 and l.15 of the same page in the form of corrected text being written over the top of incorrect text. A diagonal line has been drawn through the final two lines of the letter on p.17, but this does not appear to be a deliberate crossing out. A second hand has endorsed the MS as ‘No.6*’ in the upper left-hand corner of p.15 on the card frame in which the letter is held. The same hand has also added a bibliographical reference to the bottom of p.15.