Letter signed from Jean-Louis Des Balbes de Berton de Crillon, archbishop of Narbonne to Voltaire, written from Narbonne and dated 3 March 1743 [D2729]
Letter signed from Jean-Louis Des Balbes de Berton de Crillon, archbishop of Narbonne to Voltaire, written from Narbonne and dated 3 March 1743 [D2729]
personne ne rend plus de justice que moy, monsieur, a vos rares Talents; il est vray qu’on m’a fait penser a la place vacquante dans L’academie par la mort de le Cardinal de Fleury.
Letter signed from Jean-Louis Des Balbes de Berton de Crillon, archbishop of Narbonne to Voltaire, written from Narbonne and dated 3 March 1743.
Detailed Summary:
De Crillon writes that he has been urged to succeed de Fleury in the Academy, noting that he has until now ignored Voltaire’s views but that they seem to him to be very correct.
There is a partial watermark, though the majority has been lost due to the paper being cut.
Additional Comments:
The lower right-hand corner of f.1r is torn. The upper right-hand corner of the same is discoloured. There are some small stains and ink blots across the lower-half of f.1r. The page features one horizontal fold line and two vertical fold lines, with one of these vertical fold lines being very close to the left-hand edge of f.1r.