Christie’s- Lot 12, ‘VOLTAIRE. Réunion de 3 feuillets autographes (in-8, in-12 et in-4) dont deux avec figures, non signés, et d’un feuillet in-12 portant une correction et un ajout de sa main’
Autograph notes by Voltaire on Newtonian physics, in particular the laws of gravitation, including two diagrams. A further page of notes with autograph corrections and emendations.
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire begins by discussing a generality of the principle of attraction (page 274 of Élémens de la philosophie) before describing with diagrams the influence of mass and matter on the vibrations of a pendulum. The sheet written in alternate hand but ammended by Voltaire relates to page 21 of Élémens.
The manuscripts feature corrections in the form of crossings out and the addition of corrected text superscript. Brackets have occassionally been added in the margins.