Monsieur, Les manes de Corneille, sa petite fille et moi, nous vous presentons les mêmes remerciements, et nous nous mettons tous aux pieds de vôtre auguste Imperatrice.
Incipit Modernised:
Monsieur, les mânes de Corneille, sa petite fille et moi, nous vous présentons les mêmes remerciements, et nous nous mettons tous aux pieds de vôtre auguste Impératrice.
The paper is countermarked with the initials ‘GR’.
Bound with other letters in green morocco.
Additional Comments:
The MS has been folded into four (since unfolded). The MS has also been folded to create a left-hand margin on both the recto and verso sides. There is an ink blot towards the top of f.97r, and on the right-hand side of the same. There is an ink splatter over the final word of l.10 on f.98v.
The MS has been endorsed as ‘No.43’ in the upper left-hand corner of f.97r. There is a minor correction to l.2 of f.98r in the form of corrected text being written over the top of incorrect text.