Monsieur, Monsieur de Soltikoff s’est chargé de vous faire parvenir un petit ballot contenant quelques imprimez et quelques manuscrits pour votre Bibliothêque.
Incipit Modernised:
Monsieur, Monsieur de Soltikoff s’est chargé de vous faire parvenir un petit ballot contenant quelques imprimez et quelques manuscrits pour votre bibliothèque.
The MS has been endorsed as ‘No.15’ in the upper left-hand corner of f.35r, and a provenance note has been added to the lower left-hand corner of f.36v. The final lines of the letter on f.35v have been added in Voltaire’s hand. Parts of l.13-15 have been underlined on f.36r, and there is a minor correction to l.8 of the same in the form of omitted text being added superscript.