Monsieur, Avant d’avoir reçu les mémoires dont vôtre Excellence m’a flatté, j’ai voulû vous faire voir du moins par mon empressement que je cherche à n’en être pas indigne.
Incipit Modernised:
Monsieur, Avant d’avoir reçu les mémoires dont vôtre Excellence m’a flatté, j’ai voulû vous faire voir du moins par mon empressement que je cherche à n’en être pas indigne.
The paper is watermarked with an elaborate shield bearing a star.
Bound with other letters in green morocco.
Additional Comments:
The MS was folded into four (since unfolded). There is an ink blot in the lower left-hand corner of f.5r, and a stain at the bottom of f.6v. There is a hole in the upper right-hand quadrant of f.8r, and a number of small ink blots across the bottom of f.8v.
The MS has been endorsed ‘No.3’. Pen trials in a paler ink have been added to the top of f.5r. The date line has been added in Voltaire’s hand at the top of f.5r. Select words and phrases on f.7r have been underlined. There is a minor correction to l.6 of f.7r in the form of a crossing out with corrected text added superscript.