Letter signed from Voltaire to Lorenzo Guazzesi, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 18 October 1763.
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire thanks Guazzesi for sending him a book [Guazzesi’s translation of Alzire, published together with Racine’s Iphigenie in 1762], adding that he is too ill to thank him in his own hand, the letter instead being written by his secretary. Voltaire goes on to say that Iphigenie was worthy of being translated by Guazzesi, but that the translator does others [Voltaire] too much honour. He then turns to Guazzesi’s poetry, remarking that his compositions are instructive and agreeable, before speaking of the ancient Romans, noting that they had an unrefined sense of humour. He adds that he can see the mountains that were crossed by Hannibal through his windows.
The wax seal is partially extant on f.2v and has caused a large tear to the same. The letter was folded using the ‘Tuck, Fold, and Seal’ method before sending and there are several small holes along these fold lines. There are ink blots in the left-hand margin of f.1v.