Signed secretarial copy of a statement from Marie-Louise Denis (née Mignot) regarding the Decroze affair, written in the hand of Wagnière and dated 12 February 1761
Lambert-David.IIIDecroze.4Déclarations.8.Déclaration de Madame Denis, 12 fév. 1761
Signed secretarial copy of a statement from Marie-Louise Denis (née Mignot) regarding the Decroze affair, written in the hand of Wagnière and dated 12 February 1761
Nous soussignée étant requise par la Dame Veuve Burdet bourgeoise de Magni, de déclarer si jamais nous avons entendu parler d’aucun bruit, d’aucune querelle éxcitée chez elle, avant le 28e Dècembre 1760.
Signed secretarial copy of a statement from Marie-Louise Denis (née Mignot) regarding the Decroze affair, written in the hand of Wagnière and dated 12 February 1761.
Detailed Summary:
Marie-Louise Denis opens by saying that she has been required by the Widow Burdet to declare whether or not she has ever heard speak of any noise or quarrel coming from her house before 28 December 1760, the date on which Ancian came to the house at 10:30pm to strike her and kill Decroze. Denis declares that she had not before this date heard any brawls or scandals related to the household.
The paper is watermarked with an allegorical depiction of Holland.
Additional Comments:
Materiality Keywords:
Dupuit has added a postscript reading: ‘je certifié la même chose DuPuy 12 fevrier 1761’ on f.1r. Voltaire has endorsed the MS in his own hand as ‘certificats pr me burdet’ on f.2v. There is a minor correction to the penultimate line of f.1r in the form of a crossing out.