My Lord His Majesty’s Commissaries having prepar’d a Copy of the Memorial given them by those of His Most Christian Majesty, tending to prove His Right to the Island of Sta Lucia, proposes sending it by the odrinary Conveyance of the Post, having added nothing to it, to require a Messenger for the sake of secrecy, as what is contained in their Dispatch, should it be opened at the Post office here, is but a bare Copy of their own performances.
A letter from Willem van Keppel, 2nd Earl of Albemarle, partly in decoded cipher, to John Russell, 4th Duke of Bedford, written from Paris and dated 20 February 1751.
Detailed Summary:
The commissaries will send a copy of the French memorial on St. Lucia by ordinary post. The King is at Bellevue and will spend Lent at Versailles. The memorial about the two French ships in Nova Scotia will be handed to the French as soon as possible. Ammon has arrived in Paris and is lodging at Voltaire’s house, but only informed Le Chambrier after two days. He refers to naval intelligence from Rochefort and the failure of the clergy to make a return on their revenues.