Monsieur, la derniere lettre que votre excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’ecrire, me flatte que dans quelque temps vous voulez bien m’envoyer non seulement les documents autentiques du règne de Pierre le grand
Incipit Modernised:
Monsieur, La dernière lettre que votre excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’écrire, me flatte que dans quelque temps vous voulez bien m’envoyer non seulement les documents authentiques du règne de Pierre le grand
The MS is watermarked with a shield bearing a post horn. Beneath the shield are the initials ‘G.R.’
Bound with other letters in green morocco.
Additional Comments:
The MS has been folded into four (since unfolded). There is some minor tearing the the left-hand edge of f.14r and a circular stain at the bottom of f.14v.
The MS has been endorsed ‘No.6’ in the upper left-hand corner of f.13r. There is a minor correction to l.2 of f.13r in the form of corrected text being written over the top of incorrect text, and a further correction to l.11 of the same in the form of a crossing out. A second hand has added a note to the top of f.13r stating that the letter was received on 21 April 1758.