je recois deux lettres aujourduy mon cher et respectable ami par les quelles on me mande qu’on imprime la pucelle, que tiriot en a vu des feuilles, quelle ca paraitre
Incipit Modernised:
Je reçois deux lettres aujourdhui mon cher et respectable ami par les quelles on me mande qu’on imprime la pucelle, que Tiriot en a vu des feuilles, qu’elle va paraître
There is a blob of wax at the centre of f.89 that has caused some staining. The letter was sealed using the ‘Tuck, Fold, and Seal’ method before sending. The wax seal is partially extant on f.89v.
The address has been written in the hand of Collini on f.89v. A postmark has been drawn over the top of the address, and a Colmar postmark has also been stamped above the same. There is a minor correction to l.15 of f.88r in the form of corrected text being written over the top of incorrect text.