Variants of Act IV and Act V of Alzire, written in the hand of Simon Bigex with autograph additions by Voltaire, dating to c.1734.
Detailed Summary:
The manuscript offers variants of Act IV, l.166a-182 and Act V, l.53-68. It is the only known original manuscript of Alzire to have survived. The variant for Act V is written in the left-hand margin of f.1r in Voltaire’s hand.
The paper is partially watermarked with an allegorical depiction of Holland. The watermark is partial due to the paper being cut.
Half-bound in brown morocco.
Additional Comments:
The MS has been folded into four (since unfolded). The lower right-hand corner of f.1r has been torn away. There are several small ink blots throughout.
Voltaire has added a variant for l.53-68 of Act V in his own hand in the left-hand margin of f.1r. He has also added the phrase ‘acte 4’ to the upper left-hand corner of f.1v.