Mr de voltaire prie instamment les Sr Didot ^et Barois^ libraires de remettre au porteur suivant seur promesse tous les exemplaires des feuilles scandaleuses
Incipit Modernised:
Mr de Voltaire prie instamment les Sr Didot ^et Barois^ libraires de remettre au porteur suivant seur promesse tous les exemplaires des feuillets scandaleux
Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to an unidentified recipient, written from Paris and dated 17/18 December.
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire urges Sr. Didot and Barois, booksellers, to give the bearer according to their promise all of the copies of the scandalous writings against Mr. Pelletier, Émilie du Châtellet, and any other respectable people that they have printed under Voltaire’s name. Voltaire adds that he will send them the money to redeem all of the publications and suppress them, noting that he does not wish to hurt either Didot or Barois but only to suppress the works at his own expense. He states that the sheets should be given to the bearer of the letter and that they should sell Voltaire fifty copies of the scandalous edition, all of which will be paid for by the bearer of the letter. He additionally asks for them to sell him the entire edition so that there is no trace of their fault which he wishes to repair. A year is not given in the date of this letter, however Voltaire wrote to Claude Henri Feydeau, comte de Marville on 21 December 1742 [D2709] to say that ‘Aujourduy Didot et Barois ont transporté encor leurs magazins de scandale’, suggesting that the letter was written also in 1742. The recipient of this letter is also perhaps Claude Henri Feydeau.