5-240 (VII, f.149-50), ‘‘Réponse de M. de Voltaire à M. le comte de Medini’, auteur d’une excellente traduction de la Henriade en vers italiens, à Ferney, 9 décembre 1772 (M. 9427)’
Letter from Voltaire to Tomo Medin, written from château de Ferney and dated 9 December 1774 [D19221]
Letter from Voltaire to Tomo Medin, written from château de Ferney and dated 9 December 1774.
Detailed Summary:
The writer expresses deep admiration for the recipient’s poetic work, praising its elegance and flexibility, which surpasses the limitations of the French language compared to Italian. Despite the difficulties posed by the French language, the recipient’s poem achieves a level of grace and artistry reminiscent of Ariosto and Tasso. The writer regrets that their own work, constrained by the seriousness of its subject, cannot match this fluidity but appreciates being enhanced by the recipient’s superior craftsmanship. They express a hope to meet the recipient in their retreat, finding solace in their achievement of elevating a French poem into Italian verse.
This MS was probably taken to St Petersburg by Wagnière in the summer of 1779 along with the rest of Voltaire’s library.
Fernand Caussy, Inventaire des manuscrits de la bibliothèque de Voltaire conservée à la bibliothèque impériale publique de Saint-Pétersbourg (Geneva, Slatkine reprints, 1970)