Contemporary copy of Hérode et Mariamne, written in the hand of Lekain c.1754-1759.
Detailed Summary:
The copy features in a volume of copies of roles played by Lekain between 1754 and 1759. Lekain copied out the part of Hérode and left a large left-hand margin in which he wrote notes. These notes were his personal guidance on questions of diction and interpretation.
Likely in preparation for the 1763 performances, another, later hand introduced the changes made to the role of Hérode to reflect the Sohème version of the play in darker ink. These changes saw rejected lines crossed out and the new versions written in above or below the line. Larger corrections were written on slips of paper pasted over the original text.
A second, later hand made extensive corrections throughout. Large portions of the text were crossed out, and new text was added either above or below the line, or on slips of paper that were pasted over the original text.