Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean-Jacques Paulet, written in the hand of Mme Du Deffand’s secretary Wyart, and dated 23 April 1768 [D14977]
Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean-Jacques Paulet, written in the hand of Mme Du Deffand’s secretary Wyart, and dated 23 April 1768 [D14977]
The paper is watermarked with a shield bearing three stars and an animal[?], topped with a crown. For a similar example, see Gravell Watermark Archive, SLD.347.1.
Additional Comments:
The MS is written on blue paper. There is a small blob of wax in the lower left-hand corner of f.1r. The upper right-hand corner of the MS is torn away, but this has not resulted in the loss of any text. The MS was folded into four (since unfolded). There is some minor foxing throughout.
There is a minor correction to l.19 of f.1v in the form of a crossing out, and to l.4 of f.2v in the form of corrected text being written over the top of incorrect text. Select words and phrases have been underlined throughout.