The manuscript is a draft of Chapter CXLI from l’Essai sur les mœurs, written in Voltaire’s hand.
Detailed Summary:
In this chapter, Voltaire explores human ambition for exploration and discovery, focusing on expeditions related to the compass and featuring notable figures such as Flavio Gioja and Nicholas of Lynn, among others. Voltaire also examines the discoveries of Prince Henry the Navigator, including Madeira Island and reflects on Africa, addressing differences between white individuals and people of colour. Additionally, the author considers figurative rather than scientistic portrayal of astral poles in Dante’s Divine Comedy, as well as the expeditions of Vasco da Gama and other Portuguese explorers.
This MS was probably taken to St Petersburg by Wagnière in the summer of 1779 along with the rest of Voltaire’s library.
Fernand Caussy, Inventaire des manuscrits de la bibliothèque de Voltaire conservée à la bibliothèque impériale publique de Saint-Pétersbourg (Geneva, Slatkine reprints, 1970), p.37.