Le 26e Xbre 1760. seconde fête de noël, le sr ancian curé du village de moëns païs de Gex, alla chez la veuve Burdet au village de magni, à neuf heures du soir et y passa deux heures.
Secretarial copy of a mémoire concerning the attack on Decroze, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney, and dated 2 January 1761.
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire details the attack on Decroze by Ancian, providing an account of when the attack happened, who was involved, and the injuries sustained by Decroze.
The paper is watermarked with a shield bearing a post horn.
Additional Comments:
Materiality Keywords:
A missing word has been added superscript on the antepenultimate line of f.1r. Voltaire has added a title to f.1r which reads: ‘premier memoire sur l’assassinat commis par le curé de moens nommé ancian envoyez a M le premier président de dijon et a mr le procureur general’. He has also corrected the third word on l.14 of f.1v by writing corrected text over the top of incorrect text.