FS 114 A 6, ‘La Bataille de Fontenoy, poëme. Sixiéme edition, considérablement augmentée, conforme à la septiéme faite à Lille. Avec le Plan de la Bataille, l’Epître dédicatoire au roy, & le discours préliminaire’
Printed 1745 edition of La Bataille de Fontenoy accompanied by an autograph billet
Printed 1745 edition of La Bataille de Fontenoy accompanied by an autograph billet.
Detailed Summary:
The accompanying billet in Voltaire’s hand asks if the recipient will be happy with this edition of the poem. The edition of the poem, printed in Paris in 1745, features the poem itself, a plan of the battle, and épître dedicated to the King, and a preliminary discourse.
Owned by François-Augustin Paradis de Moncrif (1688-1770), Nicolas-Denis Derôme le jeune (1731-1788), François-Robert Ingouf (1747-1812), Charles Nodier (1780-1844), Jacques Joseph Techener (c.1833-1873), and Paul-Auguste-Cyrille Launoit (1891-1981).
Origin (transcript):
Jeroom Vercruysse, Inventaire raisonné des manuscrits Voltairiens de la Bibliothèque royale Albert Ier, vol.2 (Turnhout, 1983) p.11.