Partially autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Jacques de Rochefort d’Ally, chevalier de Rochefort d’Ally, written from Ferney and dated 6 December 1771 [D17499]
FS 316 C 30, ‘Lettre de Voltaire à Jacques d’Ally, chevalier de Rochefort, lieutenant des gardes du corps, à Paris [texte manuscrit]’
Partially autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Jacques de Rochefort d’Ally, chevalier de Rochefort d’Ally, written from Ferney and dated 6 December 1771 [D17499]
Partially autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Jacques de Rochefort d’Ally, chevalier de Rochefort d’Ally, written from Ferney and dated 6 December 1771.
A postmark has been stamped on f.2v. The address has been corrected in the form of crossings out and the addition of corrected text to the left or the incorrect section.
Marginalia Keywords:
6 December 1771
Owned by Alfred Morrison (1821-1897), Georges Blumenthal (1858-1941), and Paul-Auguste-Cyrille de Launoit (1891-1981).
Passed at the Charavay sale in Paris on 9 December 1878 before entering the Morrison collection. Presumably passed again at the Sotheby sale of the collection in London between 1917 and 1919.
Jeroom Vercruysse, Inventaire raisonné des manuscrits Voltairiens de la Bibliothèque royale Albert Ier, vol.2 (Turnhout, 1983) p.11.