Quelles obligations n’avons nous pas à ces corians trop rares anez généreux pour ne prendre la plume que dans le desein d’éclaitet nos esprits et d’épures nos cœurs.
The volume contains: La religion chrétienne analiseé, Extrait des oeuvres de Jean Meslier pretre, Cure de Trepigny en Champagne (1757), Des trois imposteurs, Sermon des cinquantes, Bulle de Clement VII accordee au Cardinal Charles de Lorraine, 20 mai 1543, A mademoiselle du xxx, Epitre a Madame xxx sur la religion.
Detailed Summary:
The first item is an unidentified version of La religion chrétienne by Cesar Chesneau De Marsais which bears striking similarity to the version of the work published in 1767 by Compagnie des Libraires associes. The item is accompanied by a 10 page advertisement, but lacks the notes section found in the published edition. The second item is an extract taken from the works of the Catholic priest Jean Meslier of Étrépigny in Champagne. The third item is a version of L’esprit de Spinosa, written by Benedictus de Spinoza and published at the Hague in 1719. The work was reprinted in 1768 with the title Traité des trois imposteurs. The fourth item is a copy of Voltaire’s Sermon des cinquantes. The fifth item is a papal bull issued by Clement VII on 20 May 1543. Items 6-8 are unidentified.
Bound in brown mottled leather with triple gilt fillet border and a gilt crest. The edges are red. The volume has a decorative gilt spine with five raised bands. The inner front cover is stamped with the name ‘Pidansat de Mairobert’ suggesting that the ow
Additional Comments:
Materiality Keywords:
There is some underlining on p.iv, p.vi, and p.45. Footnotes have been added to p.vii-viii, p.14, p.18, p.20, p.29-31, p.34-35, p.53, p.60, p.62-63, p.66-68, p.70, p.84, p.91-93, p.95, and p.99-100 providing bibliographical references. Corrected text has been written over the top of incorrect text on l.9 of p.12-13. Words and phrases have been crossed out on p.12-13, p.68, p.70, and p.73. Missing text has been added superscript on p.86.
Marginalia Keywords:
Owned by Mathieu-François Pidansat de Mairobert (1727-1779) and J. Patrick Lee (1942-2006).