A journal kept between 30 September 1773 and 23 June 1774, recounting events such as the death of Louis XV and the accession of Louis XVI.
Detailed Summary:
D’Argenson writes that after the death of Louis XV, the Grand Officers of the Crown went to pay their respects to Louis XVI who had left that day at 5:30pm with the Queen to go to Choisy-le-Roi. He notes that the king and queen will stay there for some time with the Comte d’Artois de Provence. They are joined by Madame la Comtesse de Provence, M. le Comte d’Artois, Madame la Comtesse d’Artois, and Madame and Mesdames Victoite and Sophie who tended to the late king. Other topics discussed by d’Argentla include the theatre. He writes that they will give the théâtre françois the Sophonisbe de Mairet, something he claims is extremely pathetic. He adds that Voltaire retouched it, putting more nobility into the language and more decency into the manners. He concludes that the denouement is above all sublime and the greatnes of the soul of Massinissa must make a lively impression on the hearts of the helpers.