Par le compte qui nous a été rendu de la situation ou se trouve actuellement notre Pais de Gex nous avons reconnu que L’etablissement des droits qui ont Lieu dans les Provinces sujettes aux droits de nos cinq grosses fermes devenoit de jour en jour plus onereux aux habitant du Pais ence qu’ils se trouvoient par là privés des avantages que devoit naturellement leur procurer la proximité ou ils sont de la Suisse, de Genêve et de la Savoie.
Document headed ‘Copie du Projet de Déclaration envoié par M. De Villeneuve à M. de Trudaine Le 15 Septembre 1761’. Endorsed ‘Observations’ and ‘Na. tout ce qui est sousligné a Eté ajouté au projet de M. De Villeneuve’.
Detailed Summary:
A report consisting of nine articles concerning the rights of the people of the Pays de Gex. The articles are as follows:
1. The Pays de Gex has been disunited from the five large farms
2. Inhabitants of the Pays de Gex are allowed to trade with foreigners as they see fit
3. They wish that the salt tax be imposed every year in each of the communes
4. The nobility, clergy, and other privileged individuals wish to be subject to the taxation of salt ordered by the preceding article
5. The price of each minot of salt shall be fixed at the sum of 23 livres in accordance with the decree of the Council of 26 August 1738
6. If the Pays cannot provide the amount of salt specified, their families and Bertiaux should be allowed to provide the additional salt as they see fit
7. The findings of the three orders of the Pays de Gex will be carried out in the presence of the general tenderer of the farms or his clerk
8. The price of the salt delivered will be paid to them in the hands of the adjudicataire général des fermes
9. The provisions of the ordinance of May 1680 will be observed
Each sheet of paper is watermarked with a crown and text reading: ‘FIN DE. I. IOMANNOD FIN V. UARETS 1742’.
Additional Comments:
There are a series of small holes along the fold line of the manuscript, suggesting that it may have formed part of a bound collection. The pages feature vertical fold lines, creating two columns (draft format). The left-hand columns have been used for notes whilst the right-hand column has been reserved for the more official text.
Materiality Keywords:
Marginal notes have been used throught by Voltaire to comment on the main text.
Marginalia Keywords:
Owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872).
Origin (transcript):
Bought at auction by Theodore Besterman (1904-1976) at Sotheby’s, London on 29th June 1976.