Autograph draft of a letter from James Boswell to Voltaire, written from Turin and dated 15 January 1764. Besterman believes that the date of this letter should instead be 15 January 1765.
Detailed Summary:
Boswell writes that when he left Ferney, Voltaire promised to correspond with him, addin that he hoped this offer of correspondence was made as a philosopher and not a courtier. He writes that he is sure Voltaire found him agreeable during his visit as he made no attempts at flattery. He reflects on the ‘spirited candour’ with which they discussed religion, adding that his visit to Ferney had entirely changed his opinion of Voltaire for the better. Boswell adds that he spoke to Dr Tronchin on his return to Geneva and asked him if Voltaire ever showed any fear of death, to which Tronchin replied that he did not. He concludes by saying that he had written down their important conversation and that it fills eight quarto pages.