Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Nicolas-Claude Thiériot, written from Paris and dated 13 May 1732.
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire begins by thanking Thiériot for his letter, before adding that Charles d’Orléans de Rothelin would like Thiériot to send him a collection of books. He adds that de Rothelin does not understand English and so is asking for the books on behalf of his friend who is a master of the language. Voltaire briefly discusses a meeting with Thiériot’s brother, Bernard, and Miss Salé, enclosing some verse he was inspired to write by the latter. He then turns to Eriphile, saying that it has not had great success and so he will not give it to the printers until he has corrected it. He asks how he might send Thiériot his La Mort de César because he does not have the right copy, before saying that he never leaves the house and receives no visitors, adding that he hopes this solitude will give him time to work on Eriphile, Lettres sur les Anglais, and Siècle de Louis XIV. Voltaire reminds Thiériot not to forget his plates (illustrations for La Henriade), and asks him to give his regards to any in England who think of him. He mentions a compliment given by Dufresne that Bernard has already conveyed to Thiériot, and concludes by mentioning a new opera supposedly written by Bernard.
The letter has been annotated by the recipient. The date has been added in Thiériot’s hand.
Marginalia Keywords:
Part of a set compiled by Robert Borthwick Adam (1833-1904). Inherited by his nephew Robert Borthwick Adam (1863-1940) who presented the set to his wide Lena Steves Adam (d.1940). Purchased from the Adam estate by Donald Frizell Hyde and Mary Hyde in 1948.