Christie’s, Lot 49, ‘VOLTAIRE, François-Marie Arouet, dit (1694 – 1778). Chapitre 22. En quoi le christianisme pouvait être utile. [de : Histoire de l’établissement du christianisme]. Manuscrit autographe abondamment corrigé. [1776]’
Autograph draft of Chapter 22 of Histoire de l’établissement du christianisme, 1776
nulle seule, nulle école ne peut etre utile par ses dogmes ^puronym^ philosophique car le homme en seront ils malleunt quand ^dieu^ [deleted: il y] aura un verbe, ou quand il en aura deux?
Incipit Modernised:
nulle seule, nulle école ne peut être utile par ses dogmes ^puronym^ philosophique car l’homme en seront ils malleunt quand ^dieu^ [deleted: il y] aura un verbe, ou quand il en aura deux?
Autograph draft of Chapter 22 of Histoire de l’établissement du christianisme.
Detailed Summary:
This manuscript covers almost the entirety of Chapter 22 of Histoire de l’établissement du christianisme, as it appears in the print edition. It does not contain the last two paragraphs. The corrections made to the MS were carried over in the publication of the book and suggest that it is a definitive version of the text. The MS deals with issues such as the hypocrisy of monotheistic religions and their clergy, and the fanaticism they generate, promoting enlightened despotism. The word ‘dieu’ is systematically written without capital letters, a particularity that was not carried into the printed edition.
The paper had been ruled to create margins. In the margin of f.1r, there is an area of discolouration caused by a pin. The pin has also left small holes which run through both leaves. There is a small amount of tape in the top right-hand corner of f.1r. F.1r also features small areas of discolouration, perhaps caused by wax.
Passed at the Charles F. Gunther sale in New York on 26 November 1926 (Lot 465). Sold at auction by Christie’s (Live Auction 16415, Lot 49) on 20 November 2018 for €50,000.