Poeme du Sr de Voltaire fait en deux jours sur la Bataille de Fontenoy, remportée le 11 juin 1743 par Louis XV, contre les Anglais, hollandois, et autrichiens, commandés par Le Duc du Cumberland
Poeme du Sr de Voltaire fait en deux jours sur la Bataille de Fontenoy, remportée le 11 juin 1743 par Louis XV, contre les Anglais, hollandois, et autrichiens, commandés par Le Duc du Cumberland
Quoy, du siecle passé Le fameux satirique
aura pris dans ses matins la trompette heroïque,
aura chante du Rhin le bords ensanglantés,
ses défenseurs mourans, ses flots epouvantés,
son Dieu meme en fureur effrayé du passage,
cedant a nos ayeux son onde et son rivage?
Incipit Modernised:
Quoi, du siecle passé Le fameux satirique
aura pris dans ses matins la trompette heroïque,
aura chante du Rhin le bords ensanglantés,
ses défenseurs mourans, ses flots epouvantés,
son Dieu meme en fureur effrayé du passage,
cedant a nos ayeux son onde et son rivage?
A poem by Voltaire discussing the Battle of Fontenoy.
Detailed Summary:
The poem is an ‘épinicion’ or ‘victory song’ composed by Voltaire in the 1740s, just after his appointment as the royal historiographer. It was produced shortly after the events it describes, dedicated to King Louis XIV, and printed on the presses of the Royal Printing Office. The poem went through many revisions and this MS copy differs significantly in places to the printed text.
The pages have been bound with string along the bifolium fold line. They feature an additional horizontal fold lines. Tears in the bottom right-hand corners of each leaf have been repaired with tape. There is an area of discolouration in the bottom left-hand corner of f.2v caused by wax. F.4v is discoloured, likely due to exposure to sunlight. There is a hole in the middle of the main fold line that runs through each of the leaves. There are blue ink stains at the top of f.2v
Materiality Keywords:
Marginal notes in the same hand as the main text are provided throughout in the margins, linking to the main text by the use of corresponding numbers. These notes provide extra contextual details about people, places, and events mentioned in the poem. There is one crossing out on l.34 of f.3v. A second hand has added the title on f.1r. A third hand has added verse numbers along the left-hand side of the text in pencil.
Marginalia Keywords:
Origin (transcript):
John R. Iverson, ‘Voltaire, Fontenoy, and the Crisis of Celebratory Verse’, Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, 28 (1999) p.207-228.