A manuscript copy of De la nouvelle Philosophie de Newton featuring corrections in Voltaire’s hand, bound together with a manuscript copy of Essay sur la nature du feu et sur sa propagation.
Detailed Summary:
A corrected manuscript copy of De la nouvelle Philosophie de Newton. The text presents variations on the versions printed in 1738 at Ledet in Amsterdam. The text seeks to introduce Newtonian ideas into France. This is bound with a manuscript copy of Essay sur la nature de feu et sur sa propagation published in 1738 by l’Académie des sciences de Paris.
The text of the manuscript has been written on the left-hand side of the page, leaving the right-hand side free for editorial notes. This divide has been created by folding each page vertically to produce two equal halves.
Materiality Keywords:
The manuscript has been corrected by Voltaire. He has also drawn a diagram in the manuscript. Emilie du Châtelet has added a mention of her Latin motton reading: ‘ignis ubique latet / naturam amplectitur omnem / cincta parit, destruit, renovat, unite, read.’
Marginalia Keywords:
Origin (transcript):
Passed at the Christie’s sale in Paris on 29 October 2012 (Lot 23). Sold at auction by Artcurial on 19 November 2018 (Lot 679) for €70,200.