Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Marc-Pierre de Voyer, comte d’Argenson, written from Paris and dated ‘de la pleine lune’ [4 July 1747] [D3550]
Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Marc-Pierre de Voyer, comte d’Argenson, written from Paris and dated ‘de la pleine lune’ [4 July 1747] [D3550]
L’ange ïesrad, a porté jusqu’a memnon, la nouvelle de vos brilliants succez, et Babilone avoue qu’il ny a jamais eu ditimadoulet dont le ministere ait eté plus couvert de gloire.
The paper is watermarked with a shield bearing a post horn, and text reading ‘GR J HONIG & ZOON’. This suggests that the paper was made in Zaandijk in the Netherlands.
Additional Comments:
The letter features two small holes. There are a number of ink blots on f.2, and the ink has been smudged on l.12 of f.1v. The letter was folded into four (since unfolded). There is a significant stain to the paper in the shape of a rectangled.