Draft of Chapter 6 of Le Pyrrhonisme de l’histoire (1768), written in the hand of Bigex with some autograph corrections.
Detailed Summary:
The text notes that Quintus Curtius made Alexander the Great write a letter to Darius. In the letter, it was remarked that the world cannot endure two suns or two masters and Voltaire questions whether this was actually written by Alexander or not. He quotes Don Japhet of Armenia, the fool of Charles V, before questioning Titus Livius’ habit of attributing speeches to his heroes. Voltaire adds that he would harangue Livius and tell him that if he wants to write history he should tell only the truth. In the conclusion of the passage, Voltaire discusses Thalestris, queen of the Amazons who met with Alexander on the banks of the Tanais and asked him to give her a child.
The variants in this draft were introduced in the Kehl edition.
Voltaire and Bigex have made several minor corrections throughout in the form of crossings out and the addition of corrected and/or omitted text superscript. A third hand has endorsed the MS as ‘No.124’ in the upper left-hand corner of p.233. Parts of l.1 and l.6-8 have been underlined.