Autograph draft or copy of a letter from César de Missy to Voltaire, written from London and dated 21 October 1745.
Detailed Summary:
De Missy begins by saying that his impatience does not allow him to let Mr. Gravelot leave from Paris without taking the opportunity to write to Voltaire. He discusses his failure to secure a publishing deal for an English version of Voltaire’s works, but adds that despite his failings he should like to receive a short word of comfort from Voltaire. He acknowledges his failings and says that he no longer desires condemnation but rather mercy. De Missy says that he recently saw an advertisement for an English Translation of Voltaire’s l’Anti-Machiavel, and asks if Voltaire has acquired the universal history he had told him about, adding that he is mortified that the bookseller that promised him he would send one to Voltaire broke their agreement.
Latin phrases and the titles of books have been underlined throughout. The fifth word on line 15 on f.171r has been crossed out. F.170r is stamped with the library stamp of Louis-Nicolas-Jean-Joachim de Cayrol.