Autograph copy of a letter from César de Missy to Voltaire, dated 4 January 1744.
Detailed Summary:
De Missy opens by saying that it has been a year to the day since Voltaire last wrote to him. He quotes La Fontaine on widowhood, stating that to be deprived of Voltaire’s correspondence was worse than being widowed. He reminds Voltaire that he repeatedly told him that he loved him, and asks Voltaire not to forget this. De Missy asks forgiveness if Voltaire is angry with him, and says that if Voltaire is busy he does not ask for long letters but only to know that Voltaire is well and that he loves him. He ends by asking Voltaire to have the courage to write to him, adding that he needs his advice, but noting that he does not know the fate of this letter because he does not know where Voltaire is.
Louis-Nicolas-Jean-Joachim de Cayrol has added a pencil note to the top of f.169r stating that this is a copy of a letter dated 4 January 1744. De Cayrol suggests in this note that the date is incorrect and should instead by 1745. The quote from La Fontaine is underlined, as is de Missy’s request for a favour from Voltaire and his address. The penultimate word on line 20 of f.169r has been crossed out. F.169r is stamped with the library stamp of Louis-Nicolas-Jean-Joachim de Cayrol and the Bibliothèque Impériale.