Corrected pages from a printed copy of Mahomet, with notes in Voltaire’s hand.
Detailed Summary:
The pages are taken from Act 4 and Act 5. A note on a separate piece of paper has been added to the bottom of f.108r providing a substantial correction to the text in Voltaire’s hand.
F.107r is stamped with the library stamp of Louis-Nicolas-Jean-Joachim de Cayrol and the Bibliothèque Impériale. Voltaire has made a series of corrections throughout. Some words and phrases have been crossed out, and additional text has been added superscript or in the margins. A note on a separate piece of paper has been added to the bottom of f.108r. The entirety of f.107r has been crossed out. Crosses drawn in pencil have been added to the margins throughout. Voltaire has added a note to f.123v which reads: ‘deux derniers actes avec les noms des personages et le titre.’