Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to César de Missy, written from Brussels and dated 10 [November 1742].
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire writes that he is sending the second shipment to the same address, according to de Missy’s instructions. He adds that he will only write to de Missy from Paris and asks if de Missy can send him some news of the present time. He concludes by saying that de Missy now has all of his writings concerning Mahomet.
There are stains to the lower corners of f.104r. There is a small tear to f.105v caused by the wax seal, remnants of which can be found on the same folio. There are a number of ink blots above the seal. The paper features one horizontal and two vertical foldlines.
F.104r is stamped with the library stamp of Louis-Nicolas-Jean-Joachim de Cayrol and the Bibliothèque Impériale. A postage stamp has been stamped above the address on f.105v.
Marginalia Keywords:
Owned by Louis-Nicolas-Jean-Joachim de Cayrol (1775-1859).